Oxalis triangularis

Oxalis triangularis

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6 inch pot

*Only available for Store Pickup at toronja rosada.

Two interesting aspects of this plant is it's photonastic response, which is it's reaction of opening up its leaves during the day and closing at night. And, the other is that it's known as an edible plant, although there seems to be a lot of discussion about the amount of oxalic acid having negative effects on humans.

Flowering: Lot's of small trumpet shaped blooms sitting above the leaves appear during spring and summer, which you can expect to last a fair few weeks.

Care: Most indoors growers will able to grow the oxalis triangularis with ease, if attention is paid to it's basic care instructions and they're aware of it's dormancy period. 

A good shaded spot within the home from direct sunlight is ideal. Sat back from a window in a bright room is suitable, but if the room is more north facing, place much closer to the window.

One of the worst things you can do with bulbs is over-water, which rots the bulb. Allowing the soil to begin to dry at the top is a good measurement of when to water again. Remember to stop watering if the plant becomes dormant.

If you want to propagate your oxalis triangularis you'll find it's best to do this towards the end of it's dormant period (Do this after 2 weeks of dormancy to be sure of timing). The bulb will have to be removed from the pot and then you may remove the small bulb offsets which are re-potted to produce new plants. Be patient with the new plants and expect them to appear a little later than the main plant.

Dormancy Period

Like other bulb type plants the shamrock has a dormancy period - which is it's time for rest. They can go into dormancy after the spring and summer growing season which is noticeable when the leaves stop opening in daylight and it begins to look like it's lacking vitality (this can also happen at other times whenever your plant chooses). They can also temporarily go into dormancy if temperatures become too warm or it's lacking water and the soil becomes dry for a long period.

If the foliage begins to look withered and die off, stop watering and feeding and let the foliage die down. Once the foliage becomes brown you can remove it and await the next growing period, which could be anything from 2 - 4 weeks.